Wednesday, October 10, 2018

How Do I Ask For A Raise In Pay

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Planning and preparation are key when you ask for a pay raise.When you ask for a raise, you need to convince your employer that your contribution to the work of the company is worth above and beyond the usual annual pay raise . "It used to be the norm to expect an automatic annual raise, but after the economy took a nosedive, that has become less and less common," says Alison Green, a former nonprofit chief of staff .Many employees dread asking for a raise, even if they deserve it. Knowing when you're in a perfect situation for salary negotiation can take the edge off, however. "Negotiating a pay raise is about timing, belief in oneself, and ability to articulate and support the case for a pay raise," said Andrew Snyder, a psychotherapist and executive coach..You are long overdue for a raise, and your boss doesn't seem to be doing anything about giving you one. Even if you know you deserve a higher salary, you, like many people, may be hesitant to ask for a raise..

  • How To Ask Your Employer For A Pay Raise

    Planning and preparation are key when you ask for a pay raise.When you ask for a raise, you need to convince your employer that your contribution to the work of the company is worth above and beyond the usual annual pay raise .

  • How To Ask For A Raise And Get It Forbes

    This post originally appeared on LearnVest. Asking your boss for more money is probably up there with doing your taxes and cleaning the gutters on your list of favorite things to do. But salary .

  • These Are The Best Times To Ask For A Raise And Get

    Many employees dread asking for a raise, even if they deserve it. Knowing when you're in a perfect situation for salary negotiation can take the edge off, however. "Negotiating a pay raise is about timing, belief in oneself, and ability to articulate and support the case for a pay raise," said Andrew Snyder, a psychotherapist and executive coach..

  • How To Ask For And Get A Raise Thebalancecareers Com

    You are long overdue for a raise, and your boss doesn't seem to be doing anything about giving you one. Even if you know you deserve a higher salary, you, like many people, may be hesitant to ask for a raise..

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