Planning and preparation are key when you ask for a pay raise.When you ask for a raise, you need to convince your employer that your contribution to the work of the company is worth above and beyond the usual annual pay raise of, on average, two four percent.. "It used to be the norm to expect an automatic annual raise, but after the economy took a nosedive, that has become less and less common," says Alison Green, a former nonprofit chief of staff . I asked for a raise for the first time a few years ago. At the time, asking for what I thought I deserved and having a frank discussion about money was outside of my comfort zone but I did it .Responses to "How To Ask For A Raise Sample Letter" Dan on , Feb, pm . Now if only my job gave raises I just commented because I like your blog. Keara on , Feb, pm . Great article and IMPRESSIVE letter..
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How To Ask Your Employer For A Pay Raise
Planning and preparation are key when you ask for a pay raise.When you ask for a raise, you need to convince your employer that your contribution to the work of the company is worth above and beyond the usual annual pay raise of, on average, two four percent..
How To Ask For A Raise And Get It Forbes
"It used to be the norm to expect an automatic annual raise, but after the economy took a nosedive, that has become less and less common," .
Managers Share The Best Way To Ask For A Raise Forbes
I asked for a raise for the first time a few years ago. At the time, asking for what I thought I deserved and having a frank discussion about money was outside of .
How To Ask For A Raise Sample Letter Lifereboot Com
I was surprised to learn that my How To Ask For A Raise In Steps article attracts many new visitors to my website. The reason I'm surprised about it is because this early article of mine has received zero comments since it was published almost one year ago In other words, the lack of responses caused me to think this article was unpopular..