Asking for a pay raise may be a bit nerve wracking, but being prepared to confidently present your case to your boss will help calm your nerves. Here are a few tips on how to effectively ask for a raise. Before you ask for a pay increase, however, make sure you are aware of company policies regarding pay raises..Negotiate a Raise in Healthcare Asking for a raise is tough. Here's how to negotiate a higher healthcare salary with a minimum of angst..Check your salaryOne of the easiest reasons to ask for a raise is that you're currently being underpaid. Ask your friends that work at other dental offices what they're making. Check out the recent dental classified ads to see what the pay scale, benefits, or bonus structures are at other offices.. If they really don't deserve a raise, then tell them what they need to do in order to deserve the raise. For most people, if they have motivation to work harder, they will. If they do not, then they will work less..
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