Wednesday, October 10, 2018

How To Ask For A Raise For Someone Else


Many employees dread asking for a raise, even if they deserve it. Knowing when you're in a perfect situation for salary negotiation can take the edge off, however. "Negotiating a pay raise is about timing, belief in oneself, and ability to articulate and support the case for a pay raise," said Andrew Snyder, a psychotherapist and executive coach..Additionally, most employers don't give salary increases more than once a year, except in very unusual circumstances. So if you've received a raise in the last year, or if you haven't been on the job for a year yet, you probably need to wait.. Asking for a raise is a stressful and often a downright awkward experience. Money is hard enough to talk about in the first place When most people have to ask their boss for more, their . One encouraging piece of information I got from the three Silicon Valley coaches Nadella's initial notion that women should not ask for raises is not representative of tech culture in the valley..

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